愛力希異言堂 AllyC' Chat Room, 用一盞燈, 聚集更多的光與熱, 傳遞更多愛,力量與希望! 在這裡,我們分享溫暖人心的人事物。 溫熱那些因為忙碌而忽略的感動。 將更多的愛、力量、希望,傳遞出去! 歡迎也來分享你的感動~allycschatroom@gmail.com AllyC' Chat Room, we are here to share touching inspirational stories which happened around us. AllyC' Chat Room, Gathering More Lights to Warm up this World. Please share with us your inspirational stories. Contact us: allycschatroom@gmail.com AllyC' Chat Room in association with ATTCF Co. 官網Official Website : https://allycschatroom.business.site/ FB粉絲頁Facebook Fanpage :Attcf愛力希異言堂 https://www.facebook.com/allycschatroom/ Instagram:allycchatroom https://www.instagram.com/allycchatroom/ YouTube : ATTCF愛力希異言堂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN7SIy7TlnBB6r8341KoaUw